By: Aparajit Pratap

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Why has Dynamo Switched to Python 3, Should I Update Too?

Since the introduction of Python 3 in 2008, Python 2 and 3 have been supported side-by-side by the Python Software Foundation (PSF) and the broader Python Community. This stopped on January 1st, 2020 when Python 2 support from the PSF officially ended.   Why did we need to change the Python version? Dynamo, and many other C#-based

Dynamo Now Targets .NET 4.8

Dynamo targets .NET framework 4.8 starting with version 2.7. DynamoCore public NuGet package paths have been updated to .Net 4.8. Third-party developers, package, and extension authors targeting a lower .NET framework will need to upgrade their projects to .NET 4.8 in order to start referencing DynamoCore 2.7.0 and higher NuGets.

Comparing Numbers in Dynamo

Dynamo is built on the DesignScript (DS) language. Graphs are first compiled into DS before they are executed in the DS virtual machine.   DesignScript like any other programming language offers its own types, operators, language constructs and a standard library. Out of the number types, DS has support for integer (whole numbers) and do

Think Big: Geometry with Lots of Zeros

Are you making buildings in millimeters?  Tired of seeing your Revit geometry fail once it is brought into Dynamo? Surprised at seeing that intersection point missing or failing to find that projection curve while working on a large landscape? Guess what, we have good news! In Dynamo 1.3 you can now create geometry and perform geometric operations